The Most Beautiful Beaches in Jamaica

Nabila Khouri

Driving along the main coastal highway in Jamaica, you’ll notice the variations from rocky cliffs to white-sand beach within a span of a few miles. The island’s unique geography has created some of the world’s most sought-after beaches.

Frenchman’s Cove

Frenchman’s Cove

The beach at Frenchman’s Cove is one of Jamaica’s most beautiful places. Surrounded on both sides by vegetated rocky cliffs, the stunning contrast between the green forests and cerulean sky and ocean make this place truly special. The films Lord Of The Flies and Knight And Day were filmed on the beach, showcasing both the beauty and wildness of the area. It is located on the eastern side of the island in Portland parish, far from the busy tourist towns like Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. While you’re nearby, make sure to check out Blue Lagoon, another of Jamaica’s most beautiful spots.

Frenchman’s Cove, Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica

Treasure Beach

Treasure Beach

Located on the southern coast of the island, Treasure Beach is a hidden gem. It is never as crowded as the beaches on the north coast, giving visitors lots of privacy and tranquility. Spending an afternoon on the beach or in the local town feels like you’ve stepped back in time. With no all-inclusive resorts, this small fishing town has been able to retain its charm and personality over the years. The sea in this part of the island is known to be quite rough with heavy undertows, so be careful not to venture too far from shore.

Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

Doctor’s Cave Beach

1. Doctor’s Cave Beach

Natural Feature

White sand and crystal blue, calm water are what make Doctor’s Cave Beach one of the best. Stepping into the water is like stepping into a perfect bath—warm and comforting. In the 1920s an English osteopath, Sir Herbert Barker, visited the beach and was impressed with its healing powers. Since then, the surrounding area has become quite commercialized with many hotels, restaurants, and gift shops located within walking distance. Check out our list for some of the best restaurants in the Montego Bay area for lunch with a view. Seven Mile Beach | ©Flickr

2. Seven Mile Beach


Seven Mile Beach

Seven Mile Beach is one of Jamaica’s most sought-after paradises. Located in the resort town of Negril, the white sand and calm waters seem to go on forever. Many resorts and hotels are built right on the beach or well within walking distance. Visitors also have easy access to plenty of restaurants, shops, and water sport rental facilities. Stay for sunset and you’ll be treated to one of the most spectacular light shows in the Caribbean as the sky changes from blue to bright orange, pink, and yellow. If you’re looking for a good place to get some seafood, check out our list of the best places in Negril.

Seven Mile Beach, Negril, St. James, Jamaica

A surfer at Boston Beach | ©FlickrA surfer at Boston Beach | ©Flickr

3. Boston Bay

Natural Feature

Boston Bayis known for two things—its jerk and its waves. It is one of the few places on the island where surfers can be seen almost all year round. The beach is relatively small, with smooth sand and gorgeous blue water. If you are an experienced surfer hoping to catch a few good waves, the best time of year to visit is between June and July or November and December. Don’t forget to try some of the area’s famous jerk chicken or pork. And if the view alone doesn’t charm you, the friendly locals will. James Bond Beach | ©Wikimedia

4. James Bond Beach

James Bond Beach

Located in Oracabessa on the north coast of Jamaica, James Bond Beach sits on a small peninsula about 10 miles from Ocho Rios. Ian Fleming, the writer of the James Bond novels, once called Oracabessa home. Scenes from the James Bond movie Dr. No were filmed on the beach. Every year, many concerts and parties are hosted on the beach. The most popular, Beach Jouvert, is in conjunction with Jamaica’s carnival season.

James Bond Beach, Oracabessa, St. Mary,Jamaica

Lime Cay | Photo by authorLime Cay | Photo by author

Lime Cay

For residents of Kingston and its many suburbs, Lime Cay provides the perfect escape from the heat and masses in the city. Located off the coast of the mainland, it is a small cay surrounded by rocky beach on one side and white sand on the other. The inward area of the cay is densely vegetated, offering lovely shaded areas close to the water. Shuttle services to and from the cay are available at Y-Knot and Morgan’s Harbour, both close to the Norman Manley International Airport. We recommend bringing your own food, water, and anything else you might need, as there aren’t any vendors on the beach.

Lime Cay, Y-Knot or Morgan’s Harbour, PortRoyal, Kingston, Jamaica

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